Seven Questions with Saxophonist Brett McDonald

NBJP: Other than the instrument you play, instrument would you like to be able to play? BMcD: I'd really like to play the guitar - the whole string family of instruments has been difficult for me to comprehend and learn, and every time I pick up a guitar I end up giving up shortly thereafter. Playing that instrument comes with this

2017-01-05T10:39:16-05:00Jazz, Music, New Jersey|


DONALD PERFORMS MAY 24, 2012 AT MAKEDA NBJP: What's your favorite city to play in? DE:New York NBJP: What's the worst job you ever had? DE: A Hotel Job NBJP: Who's your favorite non-jazz composer? DE: Claude Debussy NBJP: How old were you when you first played in front of an audience (beyond your family)? DE: 9 years old NBJP:

2017-01-05T10:39:18-05:00Jazz, Music, New Jersey|

Seven ?s with Rachel Eckroth

Rachel performed for NBJP April 19 at Makeda   NBJP: Other than the instrument you play, what’s your favorite instrument to listen to? RE: I am in love with the cello. It's such a warm instrument, but I wish I could play the bass. NBJP: What’s the worst job you ever had? RE: When I first moved to the New York area, I worked

2017-01-05T10:39:19-05:00Jazz, Music, New Jersey|
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