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Keith Franklin Trio
Did you know that New Brunswick was the home of the first-ever celebration of Independence Day? Yup, by order of George Washington in 1778. At Stage Left, they celebrate on the sidewalk every year with their annual Cookout. This year will be no different!  NORMALCY!
Their Catherine Lombardi Menu will be available, plus classic cookout items from Stage LeftSteaks, their famous Burger, Wild-Boar-Chili-Cheese Dogs, Ribs & Lobster Rolls!  It won’t be exclusively a meat-fest, as their compressed watermelon, wood-grilled pineapple and first-of-the-year Jersey Corn will round out the menu nicely.
Jack Daniels is partnering with them this year. They’ve got some killer cocktails lined up. You may think Jack and Coke a bit lowbrow for Stage Left Steak, when you taste Nick’s frozen version with our house made cola syrup, you will be very happy.

They’ll also have the premium Jack bottlings there for tasting and sipping. American whiskey on the Fourth of July. Their engraver will customize whiskey glasses or bottles.

The Keith Franklin Trio will play from The American Songbook, courtesy of The New Brunswick Jazz Project!  Keith has toured in the U.S. and opened for Blood Sweat and Tears, B.B. King, Iron Butterfly and the Youngbloods. His mission now is to get back to his jazz roots and you can be part of that mission Saturday.
Come party with us on The Fourth of July.
Reserve here or 732-828-4444 x213











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