JJ:-working in a hotel gift shop. They wanted me to stand up the entire time. I quit after 3 days. Lol.
NBJP: If you could only own one CD, what would it be?
JJ:-Bobby McFerrin (Vocabularies)
NBJP :If you were about to have your last meal, what would it be?
JJ-a big plate of my Grandmother’s Special homemade biscuits w butter and grape jelly.
NBJP: What musician influenced you the most?
JJ:- I have to name two….NANCY WILSON.and PHYLLIS HYMAN
NBJP: What’s your favorite non-musical pastime?
JJ:-enjoying being a FOODIE ……and Swing Dancing.
Swing dancing
NBJP: What quality do you like least about yourself?
JJ- very thinned skin; sensitive….will cry at the drop of a hat.
NBJP: What’s your favorite non-jazz tune?
JJ-Blackbird (Beatles-Paul McCartney). I have at least 20 versions of this on my iPhone
PLUS ONE: When did you decide you were going to become a professional musician?
JJ:-I dont think I ever really “decided”. However; I was studying to become a doctor, but when people started paying me to sing I thought I would test the waters a little more.