Seven Questions with Vocalist Jackie Jones

NBJP: If you could only own one CD, what would it be?  JJ: TOUGH question, but If I had to narrow it down, it would either be The Carmen McRae- Betty Carter DUETS or -Bobby McFerrin-Vocabularies NBJP:   What’s your favorite non-jazz tune? JJ: OLD FRIEND...Phyllis Hyman NBJP:   What would you want to be if you weren’t a musician? JJ: Probably

2017-03-18T15:42:57-04:00Jazz, Music, New Jersey|


NJBP:      Other than being a musician what’s the best job you ever had? KB: Lifeguard!!!!!!!!!!!  Outside in a bathing suit all day an twirling a whistle! Kate Baker NBJP:      What one word would your friends use to describe you? KB: Kind NBJP:      What's the one thing about you few people know? KB:  I am deathly afraid of heights. NBJP:      How old were you when you

2017-01-05T10:39:23-05:00Jazz, Music, New Jersey|
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